April Prompts
1. Draw something based on the themes of the season, suggestion: Springtime Fairy. Fill one or two pages with your ideas. (Draw)
2. If you could communicate with a wild animal or imagined creature, what animal would you pick, and what would you say to each other? (Creative Expression)
3. What fears or limiting beliefs am I holding? How have they been impacting or impeding me? Can I see where their source is? (Inner Autumn // Waning Moon Prompts) April 3rd - 5th
4. What kind of knowledge would you most like to explore or unlock? (Personal Exploration)
5. Research Beltane, plants, colors, animals, stones, and herbs. Research rituals large or small, and ways you can honor the holiday, the changing of seasons, and yourself for this holiday. (Pagan Holiday)
6. It may seem like a strange day to do it, but write a Love Note to yourself. Maybe even a small post-it note set somewhere you can see it every single day. (self-love prompt)
7. Describe a gift you received that felt like a burden. Deserve it, how you received it, and how it burdened you. Did you ever cast it off? (Self-Exploration)
8. What does deity/god/divine mean to you? (Pagan Prompts)
9. Research and Document what happens when you charge water in sunlight, and how it might impact your mind, body, and energic body. If you feel so inclined, make some and test it out. (Pagan Crafting)
10. Create a Herbal Bath for yourself, use any mixture you'd like of your own creation, making sure to double-check the herbs BEFORE use. (Pagan Crafting)
11. Journaling Prompt: What does rebirth mean to you? Is it the natural cycle of the seasons or something more literal or magickal? (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
12. Create some positive affirmations that resonate with you, and the coming promise of spring. (Inner Spring // Waxing Moon Prompts) April 12th-13th
13. Do you know what the difference is between Oracle and Tarot? If not research it, and make notes in your bos, if you do and have one set of each draw them, and share them with social media,
your kindred, or pagan friends! (tarot photo)
14. Free Prompt Day
15. Take a moment to draw a Tarot Card, select a crystal which resonates with the meaning of that card, and carry it with you for 24hrs (Tarot Prompt)
16. If you plan to grow plants that you can cook with, write down a few magickal recipes you will be able to use them in. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
17. Now that the new year is in full swing. Take a moment to sit down and jot down the important yearly magical and everyday dates. Make notes on why they are important and refer to it often. You can even buy a new calendar and put those dates down as well. Suggestions: Moon Phases, Holidays, Retrogrades, Birthdays ETC (Research / Activities)
18. Take time to sit down and draw your ideal Spellbook! What is it made of? What colors is it? How is it organized? (Draw)
19. What new opportunities or projects do you feel called to begin? (Inner Spring // Waxing Moon Prompts) April 19th-20th
20. Gilden Celebrate Yggdrasil // Earth Day ritual or celebration!
21. What does Magic Mean to you? (Pagan Prompt)
22. What is a Song or Story which brought you comfort when you were younger? How does it make you feel now? (Personal Exploration)
23. What kind of spell do you think is in the most demand right now? Why do you think they are in demand? (Pagan Prompt)
24. Take some time to draw up, and create a spell jar. For love, money, anxiety, anger, wishes. Whatever you can think of. Look up different ideas and 'recipes', to create this spell jar. (Pagan Craft)
25. Fast Sunday: How do you talk to non-pagans about paganism? (Pagan Prompts)
26. What does the concept of "open-hearted" mean to me? (Inner Summer // Full Moon Prompts) April 26th-28th
27. Research the summer astrological signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo and record information you find about the energies of these signs in your grimoire. (Summer / Seasonal Prompt)
28. What do you need to feel loved right now? Can you give it to yourself, or is there someone you trust who you can speak to about it, and ask for help? (Inner Child Tarot Prompts)
29. Free Prompt Day
30. Go out and get some Fresh Air! Take a walk, go on a hike, go kayaking, swimming, or just stand out in the fresh crisp air. Do what the weather allows and take a selfie! Share it with your social, kindred, or pagan friends! Talk about where you went or what you did! (self-love photo)