Fasting Blóts 


"Blót is the term for "sacrifice" in Norse paganism. A Blót could be dedicated to any of the Norse gods, the spirits of the land, and to ancestors. The sacrifice involved aspects of a sacramental meal or feast." -Wikipedia

Sunday Blót 

Last Sunday of Each Month

The last Sunday of each month, anyone wishing to may opt into the Sunday Blót. On this day, there is no eating anything solid for 24hrs. We are using this time in fast as a way to grow closer to our path. Focusing on studies, prayer, offerings, ritual, meditation, and yoga. You may even choose to camp or offer up days of silence on this day for a more committed experience.

Example of Fast: Starting from say 6am you would eat a full breakfast before the sunrises, and then you would not eat anything solid again until 6am on Monday. Sleeping does count as fasting, you can drink water, coffee, and tea if they are caffeine fee and without any additives. (They cannot have milk, sugar or honey in them.)

When people are new to the process at the half waypoint, they can consume something like a bone, chicken, or beef broth, or take something to help a caffeine headache. You may also wish to ease into this form of fasting; opting instead for 12hr fasts and push towards 24hrs for the first three fast Sundays. 

Anyone sick / weak / pregnant / nursing is exempt if they'd like to be (or if their health demands it) and can help by giving a day of service once they are well enough to.

Anyone with any health issues who can't go for long periods without food/sugar (hypoglycemia, diabetic) can still participate can consume protein /sugar supplements to keep them healthy! I don't want people to sacrifice their health for this. So, if your health only allows 6h, 8hrs, or 12hrs they you are welcome to do that as well, if not- there is always an option to give a day of service! You should always seek a medial professional's advice before starting to fast, or if you experience unusual persistent reactions to fasting. 

Children are exempt from fast Sundays, and any responsibly, parent should seek medical advice from a doctor as far as how many calories a child should consume daily.

Break Fast: Monday that follows

If you'd like you may donate the cost of up to two of the meals, you are forgoing to the kindred or charity of your choice!

Ild, Tau, Blod Blót 

Dates: July 10 - July 13th

Ild which means Fire, Tau which means Rope, and Blod which is Blood. One day for each of the predominate ways in which those of the path, and the innocent mistakenly targeted- were slaughtered. The Gilden kindred has chosen to spend these days honoring the Women, Men, Children, Animals, and Lands which were hung, burned, or killed simply for being different.

This is the next phase of fasting and thus- more intense. 

  • From Dawn to Dusk you will consume no food, or water.
  • Foods Allowed After Dusk and till Dawn

Any extenuating circumstances regarding age, health, or condition should be regarded from the above Sunday Blót

Break Fast: July 14th

Vísdómr Blót 

Dates: Dec 1st - 9th

Vísdómr which means wisdom it reflects the intent behind this fasting period. This fast is in honor of Odin's sacrifices; his eye, throwing himself down on his own spear, and being hung upside down from the world tree. All in his pursuit for wisdom, deeper, understanding and vision. Suffering is part of life, so let us direct it towards a goal. That is why we turn towards suffering and going with out for nine days. Reflecting the number of days he suffered.

This is the next phase of fasting and is quite intense. 

  • From Dawn to Dusk you will consume no food, or water.
  • Foods Allowed After Dusk and till Dawn

Any extenuating circumstances regarding age, health, or condition should be regarded from the above Sunday Blót

Break Fast: Dec 10th


Dates: Jan 1st - 31st 

To Svangur is to starve or be slim- January is the time of scarcity in both our daily lives, light, and food. It is a time to plan seeds for the coming year and look back on the year before. During this month long fast we do not eat from Dawn to Dusk for 31 days in honor of our ancestors who lived in times of great lack, yet persevered- for the ones who now must suffer in involuntary lack and/poverty. It is a fast of solidarity and penance. When we honor our ancestors, others, and ourselves

This is the next phase of fasting and is quite intense. 

  • From Dawn to Dusk you will consume no food, or water. 
  • Foods Allowed After Dusk and until Dawn

Any extenuating circumstances regarding age, health, or condition should be regarded from the above Sunday Blót

Break Fast: Feb 1st

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