February Prompts

  1. Research with the spring astrological signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini and record information you find about the energies of these signs in your grimoire. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  2. Profile crystals and herbs related to Ostara and Beltane, such as tulips and clover, or rose quartz and aquamarine. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  3. What is no longer working? (Inner Autumn // Waning Moon Prompts)
  4. Design a tarot spread for spring and record it in your grimoire. Themes for your spread could include rebirth and new growth. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  5. Spring is associated with the maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess. Research the maiden and goddesses associated with her and record what resonates with you in your grimoire. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  6. Journaling Prompt: What aspect of your spiritual or magickal life do you need to do a little spring cleaning in? What can you clear out to make room for new ideas? (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  7. Free Prompt Day
  8. Research herbs associated with the element of Earth and document them in your B.O.S. We are moving into the season of Earth, and so we must do all we can to grow closer to this element (Research / Document)
  9. Guilty Pleasure (self-love photo)
  10. Write down the steps, you take for your Ostara and Beltane rituals and your springtime full moon ritual, so you can refer to them in future spring seasons. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  11. What can I let go of? (Inner Winter/New Moon Prompts) Feb 11th
  12. What am I not doing right now because I'm afraid of how others will react? (self-love prompt)
  13. Today, make a list of plants, herbs, fruits, and veggies you'd like to grow this year. Do you want to plant things specifically for pollinators? Maybe something to protect your garden from pests? Write them out, and research places to buy those seeds from.
  14. What are your dreams for your life? (Inner Child Tarot Prompts)
  15. Using your herbal research make some salves, lotions, or salt/sugar scrubs. (Pagan Prompts)
  16. I am amazing at... (self-love prompt)
  17. Research what the Full February moon impacts and affects this year. Called the Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, and Chaste Moon.
  18. Speaking of spring cleaning, record the ways in which you are adding a magical touch to your cleaning routine, such as smoke cleansing your home or infusing your cleaning products with your intentions for the spring season. This can become a ritual in and of itself. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  19. Preparing for Spring: You may also want to "spring clean" your grimoire: Smoke cleanse it with smoke to release any negativity or energy it has collected over the winter and start the season fresh. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)
  20. First Official Day of Spring! It's time to welcome the transition from the season of Water, to the Season of Earth!
  21. Research a historical spell, ritual, or bolt, which was performed to honor spring. (Research / Activities)
  22. Take a nature drive/walk (depending on how warm it is where you are), visit a greenhouse.
  23. What is your favorite Ace in your different Tarot Decks, or in Tarot Decks which you've seen. What is this Aces message? Does it resonate with or are you strictly attracted to the art? (Tarot Prompt)
  24. Plan out how you want to organize your garden/planter boxes/planter pots. Draw them out. It doesn't have to be perfect, just let your creative juices flow!
  25. Take some time to plant seeds for your garden INDOORS, they are called "starts"
  26. come up with a recipe that reminds of this time of year, or energizes you with spring energy,
  27. What have you learned from this month's shifting and ever-changing cold moon? What new goals can you set for yourself for the coming months, and the new year? (Inner Summer // Full Moon Prompts DEC 29th-31st)
  28. Fast Sunday.
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