January Prompts

  1. Svangur Bolt Begins Jan 1st - Jan 30th This is another Gilden Holiday. This one we dedicate to the suffering of the impoverished around the world, and in observation of the struggles our ancestors survived! 
  2. Write a poem from the perspective of a snowflake falling to earth. What does it see, hear, smell, feel? (Winter / Seasonal Prompt)
  3. How do I feel physically? Have you been fasting? Regardless, document how you feel on all levels and make a note to check in here once more in a year. (daily prompts)
  4. Research and Study the influences of the Jan Full Moon. Called the Wolf Moon, Moon After Yule, Old Moon, and Ice Moon
  5. What is your inner critic saying to you? What is the underlying message? (Inner Autumn // Waning Moon Prompts) JAN 5-7
  6. Selfie: Take a cute picture of yourself and tuck it into your BOS for review and reference a year from now. (self-love photo)
  7. What's coming to an end from last year? What am I looking forward to starting, or re-committing to, in then this next year? (Seasonal Prompt)
  8. Research Chakras Associated with Water (Elemental Work)
  9. Memorable tarot moment? Maybe it was a spread you did for a friend, or one which called you personally out. Either way, write it down as you remember it or revisit the energy from that day. (Tarot Prompt)
  10. Where can I let go of control (or other soul-draining tendencies like perfectionism) and detach from outcome in my life? (self-love prompt)
  11. Research how to Create moon water (Pagan Crafting)
  12. What has this year of New Moons taught you? Jan 12-14
  13. Research Rituals associated with Water, and Winter. (Elemental Work)
  14. Research what types of poverty are prevalent in your community, and how that poverty affects the community directly. Further research any organizations which are actively combating the lack which you find.
  15. What Themes & Ideas are you noticing or exploring this Month? What patterns and feelings are you noticing in yourself? What has worked and didn't work in your magic over the last month? (Pagan Prompts)
  16. Research Days, Times, and Planets Associated with Water (Elemental Work)
  17. What is my intuition telling me? (daily prompts)
  18. Celebrate something wonderful and unique about you. Try to indulge in this celebration for yourself (in spite of the fast if you are doing it) (self-love activity)
  19. What do you see growing and strengthening in yourself or your craft? Jan 19-22nd
  20. What am I doing to heal myself, in this season of rest, repose and recuperation? (Seasonal Prompt)
  21. The Spiritual, the Emotional, and the Physical. How connected am I feeling to myself, to others, and my spirituality? What emotions have presented themselves over these past few days or cycle? How am I treating my body with food, sleep, and movement? Is there a connection between any of these elements?
  22. Research the Stones associated with the element of Water (Elemental Work)
  23. Draw how you might lay out a alter to water on a snowy mountain peak, or at the edge of a frozen lake (Draw)
  24. Free Prompt Day
  25. Write a love letter to spring. (Seasonal Prompt)
  26. Develop or search for a water meditation. Listen to a few and find one which really resonates with you and add it to your pagan meditation library (Element Work)
  27. What fears are manifesting for you right now? (Inner Summer // Full Moon Prompts) Jan 27 - 29
  28. How can I find meaning as a Witch in a society dominated by the Christmas holiday? (Yule / Seasonal Prompt)
  29. Research ways you can connect to the element of water, and how you might do them safely even in the depths of winter. (Elemental Work)
  30. What is your favorite pagan music? (Pagan Prompts)
  31. Are you in or out of the broom closet? (Pagan Prompts)
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