The Broken Path

April Prompts


1. Draw something based on the themes of the season, suggestion: Springtime Fairy. Fill one or two pages with your ideas. (Draw)

March Prompts


Free Prompt DayDo you like stones and crystals why/why not? Do you have any? (Pagan Prompts)How do I feel energetically today? (daily prompts)Pull a Tarot Card: How can we act on your gifts? (Inner Child Tarot Prompts)What is something can I release? How will it serve me to release it? (Inner Autumn // Waning Moon Prompts) March 5-7THDraw a magical...

Research with the spring astrological signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini and record information you find about the energies of these signs in your grimoire. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)Profile crystals and herbs related to Ostara and Beltane, such as tulips and clover, or rose quartz and aquamarine. (Spring / Seasonal Prompt)What is no longer...

Svangur Bolt Begins Jan 1st - Jan 30th This is another Gilden Holiday. This one we dedicate to the suffering of the impoverished around the world, and in observation of the struggles our ancestors survived! Write a poem from the perspective of a snowflake falling to earth. What does it see, hear, smell, feel? (Winter / Seasonal Prompt)How do I...

Vísdómur Bolt - this is a Gilden holiday where we celebrate the sacrifice it took for us to receive wisdom. Dec 1 - 9th sunup to sundown fasting Vísdómur is the Icelandic word for wisdom. I have chosen this time of year to pause in my own daily life to reflect on the sacrifice of the God Odin. Research...

As September greets us we might find that that long awaited snap of cold is in the fresh morning air, rain and thunder have begun to wrestle with the unrelenting heat of summer and now is when we truly begin the rush of work before winter. Mabon is the equinox, when the days and nights are equal before night...

August Prompts


The days are growing shorter, but they also grow hotter- in this time fire is shifting and building as it and the element of air meet. We haven't come to the true seasonal shift yet but if you look closely you will see the signs of the it come, you might smell it in the air, or see it...

July Prompts


Fire season is a time of connecting with the inner and outer heat of our existence. What sets your soul on fire? What activities make you sweat, and how do you cool yourself down? Below are some basic pagan prompts to help you keep your spiritual inspiration flowing as the days grow hotter.

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